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FL3X Training FL3X Config

The FL3X Config software provides solutions for even the most complex of technical networking challenges. No matter what task you’re dealing with – whether it’s to do with restbus simulation, rapid prototyping, gateway nodes or signal manipulation – FL3X Config has the right solution. FL3X Config is intuitive and can be adapted to your own use case.
January 1st, 1970
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FL3X Config

Training Content

This training will provide all the basics, as well as tips and tricks to easily and effectively use FL3X Config* in any situation. Using a step-by-step approach, we’ll show you the easy way to get started with our tool. Drawing on our exclusive expert knowledge, we will guide you deep into our user software.

Even experienced users can gain a lot from this training since FL3X Config is extremely versatile and offers a wide range of solutions.

We will clearly and simply explain how your solution behaves when in operation, so that in the event of any error, you can quickly isolate and determine the cause.

*Basic knowledge of the bus systems is a prerequisite for participation in this training course.


Your advantages

  • Short 1-day training

  • Suitable for beginners as well as advanced users

  • Lots of tips and tricks for effectively using the tool

  • Solution strategies and explanation of internal mechanisms of action for defining complex problems


Then take a look at the detailed description of our training courses including the agenda. Or simply contact us directly for your individual FL3X Training offer.

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